Lunch Program

School Lunch Program

As part of the Burnaby School District’s School Meal Program, Morley is able to provide a hot lunch for students of our school.

Each month, students will receive a consent form envelope which parents insert payment and seal envelope, a letter indicating the cost of the lunch program ($70.00), and the due date for when the envelope(s) must be returned to the school. All envelopes must be sealed and handed in by due date for students to receive a lunch.  **With our new lunch program food provider, there may be pork/beef on the menu.  On these days it is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that they provide a lunch on that day. 

Click here for District information about the School Meal Program.

Envelopes must be returned (sealed and signed) by the date marked on the menu letter.

Payment Options:

  1. Instructions for SchoolCash Online: WelcometoSchoolCashOnline
  2. Pay online.  Go to  Check off “paid” online on the lunch envelope.
  3. If you have more than one child wishing to participate in the program, you may write one cheque. However, please fill out a separate envelope for each child.

Lunch Coordinator: L. Hutchison